Tuesday, July 12, 2011

That time of year

It's finally hit the Wierenga Household. That's right, Poison Ivy. The dreaded plant has hit us hard. Little W has it ALL OVER. It's horrible. Call the doctor who now must see her. Who doesn't know what poison ivy looks like!? So I bring my miserable little one to the doc where we sit for an hour for him to tell us in .29 seconds that, "Yep, that's poison ivy." $100 later we're home with meds. Insanity.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm Baaack!

The reason I've been silent for so long is because I forgot my password! My dearest friend Alice, who is now a Dean's List Participant x3, has become so technologically savvy she was able to help me figure it out. Thanks Alice. I can't wait to start writing again. I'll gather my thoughts and get back to you.