Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One year

One year can make a real difference. One year ago today, President GW Bush left office. I never fully agreed with each and everything thing he did, but he DID keep my family safe. His love for our country cannot be disputed. His resolve was unbending. I want to thank him for never giving in, never giving up and never forgetting why. As he and Laura flew over Washington one last time, a feeling of dread fell over me. I felt less safe. I could feel the "change" in the air.

One year later my fellow citizens have said enough is enough. The federal government has tried to take over our country. The people who we sent to represent us have forgotten who they work for. Power hungry men and women have abandoned the very foundational principles of our country. Last night, the people of Massachusetts said no more as they elected Scott Brown. In my lifetime there has never been a republican senator from the blue state of Massachusetts. The super majority is over. That's the hope I can believe in.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I Am Mommy

Change in life is hard. Sometimes scary. Sometimes exciting. I feel the change that is coming is more exciting than anything. I've made the decision that my retail career is over. Pages may be moving on, but I'm not going with it. My role as Mommy is the most important thing in the world! When my 10 year old is begging me to stay home and not leave to go to work, I have to listen. When my 7 year old is telling me how much she loves spending more time with me because I'm not at work, I have to listen. Even if a teaching position doesn't come available, I am doing the thing I was born to do. I am Mommy.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

Welcome to 2010! I've been waiting for this for a long time. I love new beginnings! I say bring on the new decade and let's see what happens! We give each year a theme. 2009 was the "Year of Mercy." I do not recommend this theme if you are a parent because the kids will use this to get out of trouble. 2010 will be known in the Wierenga household as "The Year of Peace and Tranquility" My plan is to have this work when they are arguing or in the case of general disobedience. I'll pull the "this year's theme" card and see if it works. They used it last year so I'm just following suit.

I used to not make New Year's Resolutions but I got thinking a few years ago that if I never have any goals I have nothing to work towards. I now make a New Year Goal List.

1. Be more organized
2. Better time management
3. Read the Bible more
4. Get more sleep
5. Drink water
6. Cut down on Diet Coke (this one might kill me)
7. Be a better friend
8. Be timely with Thank You's
9. Save $ at the grocery
10. Blog more regularly

So there you have it. Keep me accountable (but be nice).