Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Freedom Fighters

There is something unbelievably inspiring to see a whole country stand up and fight for freedom. The Iranians are sacrificing their own lives so their countrymen can be free. This is the difference between them and Iraq, even Vietnam. They wanted freedom but they weren't willing to risk their own lives for it. Along came the U.S. and saved them from a life of tyranny and all they do is complain. I say stand up and fight. Fight like your very livelihood depends on it. The U.S. has your back. Oh wait, our fearless leader would rather stay out of it. WHAT?! The supposedly most powerful man in the world would rather watch from the sidelines than get dirt under his well manicured fingernails. Makes me sick. What will it take for BHO to take a stand for freedom? The United States of America are liberators for those wanting freedom. Maybe someone should remind the president.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

One Down

I can cross Professional Dog Groomer off the list of things I want to be when I grow up. Maggie looks VERY bad but she feels better. I told her she would have to cancel all public appearances and any dates she had planned for a few weeks. If you think this looks bad you should see her back! I think I'll stick to cutting my banges.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I love this man!

As you may know, I have a very irrational, yet very real terrifying fear of spiders. I remember one day in high school I was getting ready to walk out of the bathroom and saw the enemy. The big, black, murderous and no doubt deadly thing was between me and the door. I was home alone so I sat for nearly 2 hours on the back of the toilet tank waiting for someone to rescue me. I know, not rational but it is what it is.

I came home from work last night and found this note taped to the bottom drawer in the kitchen near the floor so all evil little things could see it. This is why I love this man! He gets me.

The kids and I went strawberry picking with my dearest friend Alice yesterday. Whenever I'm with Alice I know it will be fun and adventuresome. Yesterday did not disappoint. We went to Hilltop where we picked the sweetest berries known to man. It's like they took a plane full of sugar and sprinkled it over the field. When we got back to her house she picked up her girls and then we were off to ride the Transpo. Yes, you read correctly, Anne rode public transportation. Other than Ireland (which by the way is way different that Transpo) I have never been on a city bus. My kids were elated! We rode it to Bonnie Dune, had ice cream, then rode back. What a thrill! I made it back alive! It was a little iffy for awhile. Thanks for a fun day Alice!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I tried to limit it to 1!

I really did try to limit my outrage to just one but this has to be said... I'm in line at the bank and an older than me woman (but not old, which would change this story entirely) nearly knocked me over, cut in line and ran to the next available teller. There were only two tellers so I had to wait. And wait. And wait. The other person being waited on left and then it was my turn. The subject of my outrage was still there after I made my very quick transaction. Inconsideration! Why did she think that her banking needs were any more important than mine? Did she know my very dear friend Alice was waiting in the car with my two kids? I know this seems very petty, but I get so outraged by inconsideration!

This will be my last written outrage of the day. Tomorrow maybe I will share the world's most perfect strawberry (but only if I can figure out how to upload a photo!)

Get to work!

I can't stand the word lazy. It sounds so drawn out and worthless. I've been watching our neighbors get a new roof for 3 days now. They have 8 guys and they still aren't done. Last week we had only two, very hard working guys do more than half our roof in less than 5 hours. I can spot the lazy workers across the street who are bringing the whole team down. I don't think they know that we can hear every conversation they have. Maybe they should work more and talk less.

I wish I could say that I'm never lazy. I like to think of myself as a hard worker. To be honest, I was more energetic before I had kids. They drain the life right out of me. I love them, but they're harder than roofing. I can say that because I actually roofed last week. I guess I blame my occasional lack of energy (a.k.a. laziness) on them. Shouldn't, but I do.

You don't do the work, you don't get the pay. Used to be the American way, now it's: Don't work, let someone else do it for you and expect everyone to take care of you. LAZINESS. So, that's my outrage for today.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Here we go...

I have always said that I would never blog. I have often wonder what the point of all of this silliness is. Well, I'm a lady so I have the prerogative to change my mind. I still don't know what all the fuss is, but I figure no one listens to me anyway so I may as well write my thoughts so I can remember what I've said later. I've never been a journal keeper. I want to be one, but I'm not. In fact, when I was in Ireland last year I told myself I would journal everyday,that lasted 3 hours. So here we go...