Friday, August 5, 2011

Precious in His site

On July 30, at 10:30am our Grace was baptized. She's been asking for awhile but we had to find the right place and the right time. Grandpa Turner was given the privilege and honor to baptize her. We found a sweet place on Pleasant Lake in Edwardsburg. The day was perfect. As she was being immersed, my heart was swelling with satisfaction knowing that both my children love the Lord and have followed Him in obedience. It's what we have prayed for, even before they were born. Having Grandpa officiate made it that more special for her. Grace later told me that her life changed the second she came out of the water. She told me that she felt she had obeyed the Lord and He had blessed her. I cried sweet tears of joy and I'm sure the angels in heaven were singing praises.

We were joined by both set of grandparents, our neighbors Mike and Sue and our dearest friends, The Merrill's. Mark, Alice, Emily and Grace are so important to our family that we couldn't have imagined the day without them. Mike and Sue are the sweetest neighbors in the world and our kids adore them. So glad they could share in her day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

That time of year

It's finally hit the Wierenga Household. That's right, Poison Ivy. The dreaded plant has hit us hard. Little W has it ALL OVER. It's horrible. Call the doctor who now must see her. Who doesn't know what poison ivy looks like!? So I bring my miserable little one to the doc where we sit for an hour for him to tell us in .29 seconds that, "Yep, that's poison ivy." $100 later we're home with meds. Insanity.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm Baaack!

The reason I've been silent for so long is because I forgot my password! My dearest friend Alice, who is now a Dean's List Participant x3, has become so technologically savvy she was able to help me figure it out. Thanks Alice. I can't wait to start writing again. I'll gather my thoughts and get back to you.