Monday, November 16, 2009

Random Thoughts

Here are my random thoughts for my first day of unemployment:

Should I get dressed?
Is it okay to eat cake for breakfast?
Wonder what Uncle Harry is doing and does he know I drank my noni juice today?
I should go back to school, call Alice about this one.
I need to get my concealed weapon permit and then learn how to handle and shoot a handgun.
Probably should get dressed.
Diet Coke for breakfast instead of cake.
How can I unseat Pat Bauer?
Thank the Lord for all my blessings. I will bless Your name in the desert.
Wonder what preschool I'll end up at? Looking forward to it!
Is it too early to put up Christmas decorations?
Okay, I'll get dressed. maybe even eat something healthy with my Diet Coke, like chocolate.

Friday, November 13, 2009

New Chapter

I really cannot believe that as of tomorrow at 1:00pm I will be unemployed. I am not only losing the job I love, but I am losing my second family. We are a band of sisters who have been through births, deaths, marriages that struggled to hold on and ones that couldn't. We've carried each other when we couldn't go on. We've fought, laughed and cried together. I love them.

This has been a very hard 6 weeks. But I am looking forward to the next phase of my life. I can't wait to taste the grapes as my manna is disappearing. The silver lining is that I hope to have the opportunity to do the thing I was created to do. I love teaching. I love seeing those little eyes light up when they've done something they thought they couldn't. Being a teacher comes as easy to me as breathing. I'm praying that the right teaching job will come at the perfect time.

Tomorrow afternoon I step out into the unknown, the uncomfortable, the uncertain. As we lock the doors for the last time, I will look back with unimaginable sadness but with a knowing that God has something amazing in store for me. I believe that. I revel in my unshakable faith that something great is about to happen in my life. It's been brewing for a year in my soul. Can't wait!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bravery Defined

My dearest friend Alice saved my life from a baby tarantula tonight. I know, I'm as shocked as you are to find out that Northwest Indiana is full of trantulas, but it had to be. It was the BIGGEST spider I have ever seen! As we were leaving work she threw herself between me and the frightful beast so I wouldn't be attacked. She shielded me from its venomous bite by spraying it with deadly poisonous carpet cleaner. Not only did it not die, it walked away leaving a trail of poison behind. It slowed down and she was sure it was dead so, being the brave friend that she is, she poked it with a stick. She flipped it on its back but it wasn't dead and it flipped back over and started to walk away again! She decided not to play any more games and grabbed the Windex. Everyone knows that Windex to a spider is like sunshine to a vampire (which in fact spiders and vampires are very much alike because they both want to kill people). I ran for my car and locked the doors. I have never seen a truer display of bravery in all my life. I love Alice Merrill.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Senate Fail

While our great Republic is imploding, the US Senate has decided to create a committee to discuss the dangers NFL players take when they plow into each other's heads. Mind you that these aforementioned, willing adults, are well compensated for the deliberate agreed upon head butting behavior. Our nation is in a financial crisis, the president wants to socialize anything he can get his hands on, our free speech is being stripped away on a daily basis and these "leaders" (I use that term loosely) of the US decide to spend their time and waste my money drilling NFL players, coaches and the commissioner about head traumas. Wonder how many of the senators played in college?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm heartbroken. I'm losing the job I love. I've known for a few weeks but my heart is not healing. Someday I'll be able to write about it. Today is not that day. What I do want to write about is my outrage with the average American citizen. You see, as Pages is liquidated, we are running a contest. Customers get the chance to win points and fabulous prizes. I have learned that they take this contest very seriously. Every Monday is trivia day. This past Monday I was embarrassed. The questions were so easy I thought we would offend each and every one of them. Here they are: 1. Name the first American president 2. How many stars on the U.S. flag 3. What are the colors of the U.S. flag and for 10,000 bonus points...What is the name of our national anthem. I asked my 7 year old and she was able to answer these. What amazes me, no OUTRAGES me is that several people did not know the answers. What kind of country do we live in when we don't know the name of our first president or our national anthem?! The absence of patriotism is both shocking and sad.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Love Teaching!

I really love being a teacher. I was born to do this. I feel completely satisfied when I'm teaching. I have the privilege of working in Gracie's classroom once a week. Her teacher and I work very well together. The kids in her class are delightful. When I am there my heart is warm. I've been staying for lunch and get to eat with Grace and her BFF. I am treasuring this time with my daughter. Today she told me that she will always want me to eat lunch with her at school. I'll remind her she said that when she's 16. Fall is here, the fireplace is crackling and I want to sharpen pencils!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Miracle Midnight

This is one lucky toad. In fact, he's a miracle toad. The kids were outside and decided to do a routine check of the window well to see what wildlife they can free from the "pit of death." I heard a scream and new it couldn't be good. There were toads, 6 of them to be exact, all dead. 5 of the toads were stiff and a bit on the crispy side. As we picked up #6 his little arm twitched. I told Grace that perhaps he was only little bits dead. We rushed him into the house and I ran warm water over his back. He opened one eye and then stretched his arm. We could not believe it! Seriously, the thing was as good as dead just moments before. His tummy was sunken in and his skin was dry and shriveled up. He sat in my hand with the warm water running over him so I decided to see what would happen if I warmed it up just a little more. As I did, he moved. If he'd had the energy I'm sure he would have jumped. As it was though, he just moved his little arm. I told Grace that she needed to prepare her heart for his impending death. I was 100% sure he wouldn't make it another hour. She gathered grass for a soft bed and threw in some rose petals just for color and we put him in a little water and waited. We stop to check on him every 10 minutes to see if he'd died yet . About 30 minutes later I saw what looked like him trying to drink. He actually drank almost all the water I gave him. He is now hopping around his box! One minute we were ready to bury him and the next he's enjoying life. Grace named him Midnight Light (after her desire to have Native American ancestors). I figure that name is fitting because before the evening is over he will be the newest occupant of my garden. Truly amazing!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Because I'm the Mommy

This is being written several days after I first started a firestorm at school. I've had time to reflect and calm down. Yesterday, I stood my ground. I had resolve. I wasn't the only one, but it was a lonely crowd. We did what we felt was the best for our kids. The passion is still here, but I'm weary. I've lost a little steam but I'm still hot. Wish I could have written in the midst of it because the writing would have been more intense. I probably would have used a few more all caps.
I have no problem with people who want to encourage my children to be the best they can be. Who doesn't need or want encouragement? The fact that the President of the United States of America thinks it's his right to be streamed live into every public educated classroom in the country is unbelievable. The fact that the Department of Education thinks it is appropriate to send lesson plans to teachers and have them ask the kids how they can help the president is a slap in the face to both teachers and parents. His speech was good, he has smart writers, but it was changed. Only after the parents of America stood their ground and said, "Not my kids" did they decide to change things up. Our family believes Obama is harming our country. Why would we want our kids to write an essay saying how they can help him? WE DON'T. We are their parents. We have the authority. Not Obama, not the DOE and certainly not their school. One of the teachers said, "I don't see what the problem is but I will grant your wishes", as though she is some magical fairy and I'm at a wishing well. I know you don't see what the problem is. That's the problem. We are the parents. We make the decisions and you (teacher) do not have any parental authority. It wasn't a wish, it was a command. My children WILL NOT participate. Because I'm the Mommy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

President O says about Ted Kennedy, "I valued his wise counsel in the senate, where regardless of the swirl of events, he always had time for a new colleague. I cherished his confidence and momentous support for my race for the presidency. And even a he waged a valiant battle with a mortal illness, I've profited as president from his encouragement and wisdom."

Hey, Mr. President: You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. I wouldn't brag about being buddies with one of the most evil men in America, but then again (just to add to the cliches) birds of a feather flock together.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

No tears

The first day of school is always so hard for me. It's one step closer to independence and further from needing me. I always say I'm not going to cry, but then spend a majority of the day doing so. The day before school this year was even harder on me. Grace did not get the teacher we were hoping for. I've been praying since before school got out last year that she would get the best teacher for her. I decided not to tell God who I thought she should have, but I secretly hoped. When I found out she didn't get the one I wanted, I cried. I was reassured that this year's teacher will be a great fit for her. Not meddling is hard. I guess Mandy was right because Grace came home and said, "my teacher only yelled 4 times and I love her!" At least she has a good attitude. They seem to be getting along famously. If anyone can melt a heart, it's my girl.

Ethan's day was equally great. He came off the bus saying, "I love the 4th grade!" I was so relieved to hear that. He did get the two teachers we wanted but he's in class with a few questionable kids. We are reminding him daily to make wise decisions. His best friend is with him (as is the girl who has "loved" him since kindergarten) so the gang will be fine. I hope I can keep with with all the homework.

The house is quiet and finally clean. I didn't cry today and Maggie seems to be doing better. Instead of curling up in the littlest ball possible, she's spread out and fast asleep. Sounds like a good idea.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tawas, here we come!

In just a few short hours we'll be on our way to the place where my heart is most of the year. For a few days of the year both my heart and my person are in the same place. Tawas is the most peaceful place I know. It's a very small town but I bet we find wifi. If so I'll try to post a few pictures. Farewell for now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I don't like Sam's Club

I enjoy a good bargain. I love saving money. I think I get a physical high from it. But let me tell you something SAM'S CLUB MAKES ME MAD!!! First of all, to get into the door I have to show them my card. It doesn't matter if I have 6 kids with me and each one is crying and I'm dripping wet from the rain I had to stand in to get all 6 kids out of the car, I still must show the card. I cannot buy anything without this exclusive Sam's Club Membership Card (which I happen to have a Gold Business account; this info will come in handy in just a moment). After shopping I have to have them scan the aforementioned exclusive card. After paying for my purchase I walk 10 feet to the door where I must present my receipt. 99.4% of all my purchases are made for work. This is important to know because it is imperative that I not lose my receipts. I am conscience of this so I put the receipt into my special "Don't Lose This Very Important Piece Of Paper" area of my purse. I walk the 10 feet to the door where I am met by a Sam's Club associate who nearly shakes me down to see if I have stolen anything. They want my receipt. Shoot, I already put it away. I have to get it out of the DLTVIPOP area. At this point in my visit they must count each and every item in my cart. Now mind you, I walked no more that 10 feet from the register! What is going on here? Sam's Club either 1. Has lousy employees whom they cannot trust to do their jobs, 2. Have a lot of stupid crooks or 3. Don't care that they make all the honest customers upset. Does Sam's really have that much theft that it warrants hiring an employee to stand there? Now back to my "special business card" issue. I can get in to Sam's very early, which I always try to do to avoid the crowds. The last time I was at Sam's I was THE ONLY ONE in the store, other than the employees. After purchasing my items, the employee at the door (which I will from here on out refer to as the prison guard) counted each and every item. She was watching me checkout just 10 feet away! I just don't understand this. First of all, there is nothing small at Sam's, that's kind of the point of the store. Where would I hide anything? And, if I did hide something (which I would never do because that is WRONG, always) why would I put it in the cart prior to walking out of the store? This logic makes me think that the prison guard is there to monitor the employees and not the customers. I don't like Sam's Club.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


So last night I was at work. I had several customers who were high needs. I don't mind that part of my job as long as they are nice. When I get a grumpy or nasty person who wants me to be their personal shopper it gets annoying. So along came a sweet (or so I thought) old couple. She was putting together a memory board celebrating the life of her father. I assumed he had passed on because she herself was a bit older. I started to check them out and her husband, out of the blue, asks me if he puts his email address down if I will email him dirty pictures of myself. OUTRAGEOUS!! I said, "I will not send you dirty pictures, however the store will send you a lovely email about what's on sale." He said, "Well, I'll put it down anyway." The sad thing was his wife didn't look surprised that he said that. I was in utter shock. I felt violated as he continued to speak to "me" because he wasn't looking at my eyes if you know what I mean! Seriously, I'm just trying to bring home a few dollars and I get hit on by a dirty old man. I'm looking forward to vacation.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Let it begin.

So here it is. let the tradition begin.

New tradtion

Grace and I were looking for something to do last night and I suggested we pick blackberries. We usually find about a total of 6 berries, but I thought it would be fun to try anyway. We found a spot between our yard and the field and we hit the jackpot! We had plans to go to the Silverhawks game so we decided to hit the patch early this morning. I cannot believe how many blackberries we found right behind our house! As we were picking them she said, "Isn't it amazing? We don't even have to buy these!" I felt a little like Laura Ingalls. Grace and I decided that we've started a new 4th of July tradition. I love having the idea of traditions but we don't really have any. That all changed today. Jam anyone?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Freedom Fighters

There is something unbelievably inspiring to see a whole country stand up and fight for freedom. The Iranians are sacrificing their own lives so their countrymen can be free. This is the difference between them and Iraq, even Vietnam. They wanted freedom but they weren't willing to risk their own lives for it. Along came the U.S. and saved them from a life of tyranny and all they do is complain. I say stand up and fight. Fight like your very livelihood depends on it. The U.S. has your back. Oh wait, our fearless leader would rather stay out of it. WHAT?! The supposedly most powerful man in the world would rather watch from the sidelines than get dirt under his well manicured fingernails. Makes me sick. What will it take for BHO to take a stand for freedom? The United States of America are liberators for those wanting freedom. Maybe someone should remind the president.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

One Down

I can cross Professional Dog Groomer off the list of things I want to be when I grow up. Maggie looks VERY bad but she feels better. I told her she would have to cancel all public appearances and any dates she had planned for a few weeks. If you think this looks bad you should see her back! I think I'll stick to cutting my banges.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I love this man!

As you may know, I have a very irrational, yet very real terrifying fear of spiders. I remember one day in high school I was getting ready to walk out of the bathroom and saw the enemy. The big, black, murderous and no doubt deadly thing was between me and the door. I was home alone so I sat for nearly 2 hours on the back of the toilet tank waiting for someone to rescue me. I know, not rational but it is what it is.

I came home from work last night and found this note taped to the bottom drawer in the kitchen near the floor so all evil little things could see it. This is why I love this man! He gets me.

The kids and I went strawberry picking with my dearest friend Alice yesterday. Whenever I'm with Alice I know it will be fun and adventuresome. Yesterday did not disappoint. We went to Hilltop where we picked the sweetest berries known to man. It's like they took a plane full of sugar and sprinkled it over the field. When we got back to her house she picked up her girls and then we were off to ride the Transpo. Yes, you read correctly, Anne rode public transportation. Other than Ireland (which by the way is way different that Transpo) I have never been on a city bus. My kids were elated! We rode it to Bonnie Dune, had ice cream, then rode back. What a thrill! I made it back alive! It was a little iffy for awhile. Thanks for a fun day Alice!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I tried to limit it to 1!

I really did try to limit my outrage to just one but this has to be said... I'm in line at the bank and an older than me woman (but not old, which would change this story entirely) nearly knocked me over, cut in line and ran to the next available teller. There were only two tellers so I had to wait. And wait. And wait. The other person being waited on left and then it was my turn. The subject of my outrage was still there after I made my very quick transaction. Inconsideration! Why did she think that her banking needs were any more important than mine? Did she know my very dear friend Alice was waiting in the car with my two kids? I know this seems very petty, but I get so outraged by inconsideration!

This will be my last written outrage of the day. Tomorrow maybe I will share the world's most perfect strawberry (but only if I can figure out how to upload a photo!)

Get to work!

I can't stand the word lazy. It sounds so drawn out and worthless. I've been watching our neighbors get a new roof for 3 days now. They have 8 guys and they still aren't done. Last week we had only two, very hard working guys do more than half our roof in less than 5 hours. I can spot the lazy workers across the street who are bringing the whole team down. I don't think they know that we can hear every conversation they have. Maybe they should work more and talk less.

I wish I could say that I'm never lazy. I like to think of myself as a hard worker. To be honest, I was more energetic before I had kids. They drain the life right out of me. I love them, but they're harder than roofing. I can say that because I actually roofed last week. I guess I blame my occasional lack of energy (a.k.a. laziness) on them. Shouldn't, but I do.

You don't do the work, you don't get the pay. Used to be the American way, now it's: Don't work, let someone else do it for you and expect everyone to take care of you. LAZINESS. So, that's my outrage for today.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Here we go...

I have always said that I would never blog. I have often wonder what the point of all of this silliness is. Well, I'm a lady so I have the prerogative to change my mind. I still don't know what all the fuss is, but I figure no one listens to me anyway so I may as well write my thoughts so I can remember what I've said later. I've never been a journal keeper. I want to be one, but I'm not. In fact, when I was in Ireland last year I told myself I would journal everyday,that lasted 3 hours. So here we go...