Monday, November 16, 2009

Random Thoughts

Here are my random thoughts for my first day of unemployment:

Should I get dressed?
Is it okay to eat cake for breakfast?
Wonder what Uncle Harry is doing and does he know I drank my noni juice today?
I should go back to school, call Alice about this one.
I need to get my concealed weapon permit and then learn how to handle and shoot a handgun.
Probably should get dressed.
Diet Coke for breakfast instead of cake.
How can I unseat Pat Bauer?
Thank the Lord for all my blessings. I will bless Your name in the desert.
Wonder what preschool I'll end up at? Looking forward to it!
Is it too early to put up Christmas decorations?
Okay, I'll get dressed. maybe even eat something healthy with my Diet Coke, like chocolate.

Friday, November 13, 2009

New Chapter

I really cannot believe that as of tomorrow at 1:00pm I will be unemployed. I am not only losing the job I love, but I am losing my second family. We are a band of sisters who have been through births, deaths, marriages that struggled to hold on and ones that couldn't. We've carried each other when we couldn't go on. We've fought, laughed and cried together. I love them.

This has been a very hard 6 weeks. But I am looking forward to the next phase of my life. I can't wait to taste the grapes as my manna is disappearing. The silver lining is that I hope to have the opportunity to do the thing I was created to do. I love teaching. I love seeing those little eyes light up when they've done something they thought they couldn't. Being a teacher comes as easy to me as breathing. I'm praying that the right teaching job will come at the perfect time.

Tomorrow afternoon I step out into the unknown, the uncomfortable, the uncertain. As we lock the doors for the last time, I will look back with unimaginable sadness but with a knowing that God has something amazing in store for me. I believe that. I revel in my unshakable faith that something great is about to happen in my life. It's been brewing for a year in my soul. Can't wait!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bravery Defined

My dearest friend Alice saved my life from a baby tarantula tonight. I know, I'm as shocked as you are to find out that Northwest Indiana is full of trantulas, but it had to be. It was the BIGGEST spider I have ever seen! As we were leaving work she threw herself between me and the frightful beast so I wouldn't be attacked. She shielded me from its venomous bite by spraying it with deadly poisonous carpet cleaner. Not only did it not die, it walked away leaving a trail of poison behind. It slowed down and she was sure it was dead so, being the brave friend that she is, she poked it with a stick. She flipped it on its back but it wasn't dead and it flipped back over and started to walk away again! She decided not to play any more games and grabbed the Windex. Everyone knows that Windex to a spider is like sunshine to a vampire (which in fact spiders and vampires are very much alike because they both want to kill people). I ran for my car and locked the doors. I have never seen a truer display of bravery in all my life. I love Alice Merrill.