Saturday, July 4, 2009

New tradtion

Grace and I were looking for something to do last night and I suggested we pick blackberries. We usually find about a total of 6 berries, but I thought it would be fun to try anyway. We found a spot between our yard and the field and we hit the jackpot! We had plans to go to the Silverhawks game so we decided to hit the patch early this morning. I cannot believe how many blackberries we found right behind our house! As we were picking them she said, "Isn't it amazing? We don't even have to buy these!" I felt a little like Laura Ingalls. Grace and I decided that we've started a new 4th of July tradition. I love having the idea of traditions but we don't really have any. That all changed today. Jam anyone?


  1. You should try The Pioneer Woman's blackberry ice cream.

    I LOVE blackberry pie. Mmmm...

  2. The berries were AWESOME this year! A friend had wild black raspberries as well as blackberries! I picked 3 times! yes mmmm, jam!
