Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I tried to limit it to 1!

I really did try to limit my outrage to just one but this has to be said... I'm in line at the bank and an older than me woman (but not old, which would change this story entirely) nearly knocked me over, cut in line and ran to the next available teller. There were only two tellers so I had to wait. And wait. And wait. The other person being waited on left and then it was my turn. The subject of my outrage was still there after I made my very quick transaction. Inconsideration! Why did she think that her banking needs were any more important than mine? Did she know my very dear friend Alice was waiting in the car with my two kids? I know this seems very petty, but I get so outraged by inconsideration!

This will be my last written outrage of the day. Tomorrow maybe I will share the world's most perfect strawberry (but only if I can figure out how to upload a photo!)

1 comment:

  1. I'll call you & tell you how to upload.

    I love hearing you rant.
